Wellness and Wealth 

Sunny beach resort

2 New Retreats for 2024 

Bali and Koh Samui dates to be finalised soon 

Continuous learning, growing and evolving as a person, contributes to a sense of overall wellbeing and prosperity that goes beyond just financial wealth. This retreat aims to help participants tap into multiple aspects of wellness and wealth in a dynamic and engaging way. Through a range of activities from walks in nature, yin yoga, art, journaling and visits to an elephant sanctuary, to the stillness of meditation and altered states of consciousness the retreat offers the chance to experience the following: 

  • A disconnect from the busyness of everyday life. 
  • A supportive and non-judgemental environment to explore inner growth and transformation.   
  • An opportunity to learn new skills and practices that can support overall wellbeing and financial stability. 
  • A break from technology and social media, allowing for the connection to others in a more authentic way. 
  • A chance to build new connections and relationships with others who are also interested in wealth and wellbeing. 

Want to find out more? Email or call.