Reflections and Resolutions: Creating your Personal Vision for 2024 

Man walking down a snowy road

Sunday 7th January 2024 2pm – 4.30pm 

Cost £20 

Reflections and Resolutions: Creating your Personal Vision for 2024 

A thoughtful and purposeful look back followed by intentional planning for the New Year. 

The workshop invites you reflect on the past year; exploring what went well and what areas may need to be developed. You will be guided through visualisations and affirmations enabling you to tap into the subconscious and get in touch with your inner wisdom. Along with seated yin yoga postures to further cultivate a sense of inner peace and relaxation. 

Journaling will be a key part of the workshop; solidifying intentions and providing a tangible roadmap for the future.  Adding doodling to the mix allows for an even deeper connection to your creative side and encourages focus and attention. 

Besides, who doesn’t like doodling?!